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Pertanyaan pilihan ganda tentang Pendidikan Pancasila

PERTANYAAN BAB 1 “PENGANTAR PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA” 1.       Undang-Undang yang menyebutkan bahwa kurikulum nasional setiap perguruan tinggi wajib menyelenggarakan mata kuliah agama, pancasila, kewarganegaraan, dan bahasa indonesia adalah a.        UU No. 20 tahun 2002                              c. UU No 12 tahun 2003 b.       UU No. 12 tahun 2012                             d. UU No 11 tahun 2012 2.       Student Active Learning merupakan strategi pengembangan metode pembelajaran pendidikan pancasila yang berbasis kompetensi. Dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk metode pendekatan Student Active Learning adalah a.        Studi kasus                                                             c. Debat b.       Permainan                                                              d. Menghapal 3.       Dibawah ini yang   bukan merupakan pernyataan benar terkait dengan dasar yuridis adalah a.        Pancasila sebagai norma dasar negara seperti yang tertuang dala

Creative Accounting

CREATIVE ACCOUNTING Definisi: Creative accounting is a process where by accountants use knowledge of accounting rules to manipulate figures reported in the accounts of a business. In other words, it is the transformation of accounting figures from what they actually are to what preparer’s desires by taking advantage of existing rule and/or ignoring some or all rules. Creative accounting is a practice whereby a company takes advantage of loopholes to show that they are more profitable or financially stable than they actually are. In many cases of creative accounting, the company is not yet breaking the law, but is most likely engaging in unethical behavior. The reasons of creative accounting: The reasons for creative accounting could be several. To defend the owners of companies the creativity by it self can sometimes come from the very person who maintains the accounts and this is time to question whether that creativity is deliberate or caused by lack of financial knowledge